Welcome to “Sunday School…Sunday School”. Each week we will highlight our Adult Class Sunday School Lesson for the upcoming week. This site is designed to prepare you for the upcoming lesson, and give you greater insight into the Word of God. Get ready to be “stretched”. Get ready for an exciting journey. Get ready for a stir in your Soul.

Daily Scripture reading for the week is at the end of the page.           

Dr. June Normil

jethro: moses' counselor and father-in-Law

Unit 1 LESSON 3

September 15, 2024

STUDY TEXT:  Exodus 2:11-22; 3:1-10; 4:18-20; 18:1-27

CENTRAL TRUTH: Value God-honoring relationships and listen to wise counsel.


KEY VERSE: Exodus 18:24 So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said? (KJV).

Moses listened hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law's advice and followed his suggestions (NLT).



Have you ever found yourself in a situation where things kept going wrong--even though you thought you were following God? Moses knew what it was like to be overwhelmed like this. Just like us, he needed advice, encouragement, and support. The Book of Proverbs tells us, "If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding" (15:32). It can be difficult to admit we need other people's advice, but having a trusted counselor is a biblical model. Wise advisers can keep us from making shortsighted decisions that negatively impact our ability to be effective for God. Moses was called to deliver God's people from slavery in Egypt. But after killing an Egyptian official and fleeing from Pharaoh, he had become an exile in the wildness. Moses had a lot to learn before he was ready to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He desperately needed a wise counselor. In today's lesson, we will look closely at some key events in Moses' life through the lens of his father-in-law, Jethro (also called Reuel). He joins the narrative first as an outside witness to God's miraculous deliverance. Then he moves into the role of counselor during a critical time of Moses' leadership.

  PART 1--Jethro Provides Sanctuary for Moses

Moses Flees from Pharaoh           Exodus 2:11-14

The phrase "his brethren" is repeated twice in Exodus 2:11 to emphasize Moses' connection with the Israelites. Regardless of whether he was acting righteously or rashly, Moses' killing the Egyptian resulted in consequences that followed him for decades (verse 12). The next day, Moses intervened in a fight between two Israelite (verse 13). The aggressor not only declared Moses' guilt but questioned whether Moses had any authority to settle their dispute. With his leadership rejected and a death sentence hanging over him, Moses became an exile. How could he ever serve as God's instrument of deliverance?

DISCUSS?  Do you think Moses' actions in this passage would have different if he had sought wise counsel? Explain.


Moses Meets Jethro                  Exodus 2:15-22

Fleeing Egypt, Moses ended up in Midian (Exodus 2:15). The significance of Moses' time with the Midianites is twofold: 1. Moses' New Station. The man raised in a palace became a hired shepherd tending someone else's flock (3:1). 2. Moses' New Location. No longer a city dweller, Moses was now part of a tribe. God was expanding Moses' skillset so he was equipped to lead the Israelites out of Egypt at the right time. Jethro was the priest of Midian had seven daughters. He provided Moses with shelter, a wife, a home, and an essential education in wilderness living. Moses fought off the shepherds who were blocking Jethro's daughters surprised their father by returning from their watering chore much sooner than usual (verse 18). The young women identified Moses as an Egyptian and reported what he had done. Jethro replied with a hospitable invitation: "Then where is he? . . . Why did you leave him there? Invite him to come and eat with us" (verse 20).

Discuss? What leadership lessons do you think Moses learned during time with the Midianites?

PART 2- Jethro Blesses the Mission

  God Calls Moses                                 Exodus 3:1-10                      

The end of this season in Moses' life was marked by a unique encounter with God. Tending Jethro's sheep. Moses was amazed when he noticed a bush that was on fire but was not being consumed (Exodus 3:2-3). Speaking to Moses out of the flames, God called him to deliver the Israelites. God was about to free His people from slavery, clearing the path for them to return to the land He had promised--and Moses was the one tasked with this mission (verse 10).

DISCUSS? Has God ever interrupted your normal routine to give you a new assignment or teach you something new about himself? If so, share the story with the class.

Moses' Character Development               Exodus 4:18-20

                           Moses asked Jethro to allow him to return to Egypt--presumably to check on his fellow Israelites--and admitted, "I don't even know if they are still alive" (Exodus 4:18). He sent Moses on his way with the words, "Go in peace." Moses had matured. He could make calculated, measured decisions, securing the blessing of an authority figure while also following the Lord's direction. He was ready to carry out God's mission of deliverance. God reassured Moses that "all those who wanted to kill you have died" (verse 19). Moses took his wife Zipporah and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Following God's direction, they journeyed toward Egypt to undertake the mission Moses had been given. Moses carried "the staff of God" (verse 20) with which he would "perform the miraculous signs" of God (verse 17).

DISCUSS? Have you ever given someone permission without requiring a full explanation of their intentions? What made that level of trust possible?

      Part 3- Jethro Gives Leadership Advice

Moses and Jethro Are United              Exodus 18:7-12

During Moses' conflict with Pharaoh, his wife and two sons had been sent back to live with Jethro, possibly to keep them safe (Exodus 18:2). Several months later, the Israelites were no longer in Egypt, so Jethro brought Moses' family back to him *verse 5). Moses recounted the miraculous ways God had delivered Israel from Egypt and rescued them from trouble along their journey. Jethro responded with faith and rejoicing: "Praise the Lord! . . . . He has rescued Israel from the powerful hand of Egypt! I Know now that the Lord is greater than all other gods" (verses 10-11). Jethro's faith summarized the events of the previous chapters, providing an outside witness that these amazing accounts were true. Then he "brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God: (verse 12). He was joined by Aaron and the elders of Israel in a sacrificial meal.

DISCUSS? How do you (and your family) celebrate the good things God is doing?

Jethro's Advice            Exodus 18:13-27

Observing the Israelite camp, Jethro could see the inefficiency of Moses' system of leadership. Jethro offered advice about delegation--likely tried and proved in his own leadership experience--with the caveat that Moses should only follow it at God's command (Exodus 18:19, 23). Godly counselors today should do the same, pointing others to seek God's wisdom above any kind of earthly wisdom. Jethro suggested the qualities Moses should look for in his delegates: "capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes" (verse 21). Moses humbly following his father-in-law's suggestions (verse 24) He selected leaders to judge the people, and they brought only the most difficult cases to Moses (verse 26). Wise, effective leaders today are certainly familiar with the concept of delegation, but there is a larger lesson to be learned from this passage. Like Moses, the best leaders are open to advice from others--especially those with experience and proven effectiveness like Jethro.

DISCUSS? Are you open to godly counsel? Why or Why Not


God handpicked Moses to be Israel's leader, but he still benefited from the advice of an experienced leader--who wasn't even an Israelite! Most leaders receive advice (solicited or not) but Moses was humble enough to listen carefully, recognize wise and godly counsel when he heard it, and put it into practice.


           (1). With God's guidance, seek out people who are willing to give you godly advice. Then prayerfully listen to what they say.  

            (2). Are you struggling with unsustainable demands on your time and energy? Strategize ways to delegate your tasks and avoid burnout.









                               DAILY BIBLE READING

                                     Monday: Abraham's Servant Obeys. (Genesis 24:1-10).).   

                                            Tuesday: Jonathan's Armorbearer Follows. (1 Samuel 14:6-14)

                                                         Wednesday: The people Respond to Haggai's Words (Haggai 1:12-15).

                                            Thursday:  Nathanael Follows Philip to Jesus. (John 1:43-31).).

                                Friday: The Holy Spirit Gives Counsel. (John 14:23-27))

                   Saturday: Mutual Respect. (Ephesians 5:19-21).

Gospel Publishing House. 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65802 Volume 106 Number 1. Sep. Oct.  Nov. 2024