Welcome to “Sunday School…Sunday School”. Each week we will highlight our Adult Class Sunday School Lesson for the upcoming week. This site is designed to prepare you for the upcoming lesson, and give you greater insight into the Word of God. Get ready to be “stretched”. Get ready for an exciting journey. Get ready for a stir in your Soul.

Daily Scripture reading for the week is at the end of the page.           

Dr. June Normil

the transcendent and sovereign god

unit 2 LESSON 9

July 28, 2024

STUDY TEXT:  Psalms 50:1-23

CENTRAL TRUTH. Almighty God is sovereign, transcendent, and worthy of all glory and praise.


KEY VERSE: Psalm 50:1 The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof (KJV).

The Lord, the Mighty One, is God. and he has spoken; he has summoned all humanity from where the sun rises to where it sets (NLT).


Some believe that the ends justify the means when it comes to their service to God. They think it doesn't matter why they do something as long as it helps. Many religious habits are performed weekly without concern for their true purpose. However, motivation matters. God, as the Creator of everything, judges the actions of His followers by the intent of their hearts. Israel's religious practice of sacrifice had fallen into the trap of repetition and had become almost a mindless act of worship. Though they may have felt the act of sacrifice was enough, God made it clear the condition of their hearts was more important than their sacrifice. God wees beyond the outward appearance of a person's actions and can see into the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Christians must remember they, too, are susceptible to this folly. As Israel learned, religious practices that do not engage the heart are unacceptable to God.

Key Takeaways from This Lesson: (1). God is the Creator, Judge, and Ruler of all things. (2). We should evaluate our inner motives to ensure we are serving God with the right heart. (3). We can choose to serve out of thanksgiving and worship. 

  PART 1--The Power of the Almighty

The Mighty One              Psalm 50:1-2

In Psalm 50, the Psalmist Asaph reminds all of Isarael---and anyone else who may be reading--that this is the all-powerful God who speaks to the nations. He is described as the Mighty One and the Lord, the One who calls all people from all over the earth. These statements of absolute authority declare God has no equal. He is the only One with the power and authority to call and judge the world. God's people must remember His authority when they come before Him in Prayer God decided to allow His holy presence to stay with His people in Jerusalem, Though God is all-powerful and above all others, He chooses to be with His people and remember His promises. because of His presence, His people are described as "the perfection of beauty" (verse 2). His presence directly affects those around Him. Through His people, others can see the perfection of God shine. 

REACT?  How can Christians show God's beauty in such a dark world?


Our God Comes                    Psalm 50:3-6

Jesus was sent to the earth as a substitutionary sacrifice for the world's sins. His first appearance was one of humility and servitude. When He returns to the people of this world in the last days, He will return as the Judge. Those who have not received Him as the perfect sacrifice will be judged. God then called to the heavens and the earth to be witnesses of the judgment of His people. These are signs of the universal judgment that all in the earthly and heavenly realms will witness. Verse 5 states God will call to himself the faithful who made a covenant with Him through sacrifice. This statement can be applied to the psalmist's original audience, Israel--who were justified in the law of Moses through sacrificial offerings--and to Christians today--who are justified through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

REACT? What can Christians do to be prepared for Christ's return daily?


PART 2- Fear the Almighty

  God Owns It All!                                  Psalm 50:7-11                      

Sacrifices were made to bridge the gap between God and humans as a result of sin. This process was a blessed gift, allowing people a way to reconnect with their Creator. However, as all things, people exerted their control over the blessings of God to claim them as their own. Israel had begun to offer sacrifices as an attempt to appease or satisfy God like many of their pagan neighbors and used sacrifices to secure blessing or stay judgment. This manipulation did not go unnoticed by God. In Psalm 50, God's first judgment against Israel is not focused on their actions, but on the intent of their hearts. God focused on the true righteousness of their purpose for sacrifice and not the objects themselves. We also must remember we can offer nothing to God that He has not already provided. Paul explained it is God who supplies the means and desire to give, which should then be turned into thanksgiving to Him (@ Corinthians 9:10-1). Christians should be careful their gifts to God do not become the focus of their worship. Instead, they should focus on the Giver or those gifts.

REACT? Have you ever knowingly or unknowingly used prayer or service to attempt to manipulate God into giving you what you wanted?

A God without Need                   Psalm 50:12-15

                           God made it clear in Psalm 50:12-13 He did not need the meat to eat or the blood to drink, for He was not dependent on sacrifices to live. So what did God truly want from Israel? The critical piece missing in Israel's sacrifices of this time was their hearts. God did not need the gifts, but He wanted His people to show their love and thanksgiving for Him and what He had done for them. The matter of the heart's intent is at the center of God's concern. Christians must remember their acts of service and giving are not the final intent but should be the affects that come from love and thankfulness to Him. God promises those who give with their hearts and substance that He will deliver those who call on his name in the day of trouble (verse 15).

REACT? What victories has God won in your life?

      Part 3- Glorify the Almighty

God Brings Charges               Psalm 50:16-21

God made it clear to  israel that they would be blessed if they followed His commands. However, Israel took these promises and blessings for granted and became hypocritical. God directly asked the wicked among them what right they had to recite His Laws (Psalm 50:16). They were accused of hating discipline, keeping company with adulterers, and allowing their mouths free rein for evil (verses 17-20). these accusations stemmed from their lack of reverence for God's laws and their heartless repetition of meaningless sacrifices. They even believed God was like them, thinking He didn't care (verse 21). repetition may build habits, but habits can become meaningless without a purpose. Many Christians may go to church, pay tithes, and bless their meals simply out of repetition, yet completely forget their meaning and purpose. Whether through giving or service, worship to God should come from the love we have in our hearts for our Creator and Father, rather than obedience to religious habits.

REACT? What are some religious habits Christians may take for granted?

Keep to the Path                Psalm 50:22-23

In a severe final word, God draws on sacrificial imagery from earlier in the psalm to tell the Israelites that He will tear them apart--just as they tore their sacrifices apart--if they continue to forget Him and fail to repent. At that point, no one will be able to help them (Psalm 50:22). This warning, harsh as it may seem, is intended to illustrate the importance of a relationship with God. In His Dermon on the Mount, Jesus told His followers, "Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father" (Natthew 5:16). God-honoring behavior demonstrates the Father's goodness and draws other people to Him.

REACT? How important is it for Christians to check their motives when serving God?


The center of the matter of worship is our heart. We represent God through our words, and how we serve and worship Him. If we are worshipping to be seen by people, we have abandoned the purpose for which we were called. We can show our love for God by obeying His commands with joy.


       Evaluate your motives in worship and service to God to ensure your heart is right.

                          Remember that God does not need sacrifices, because He is the Creator, Author, and ultimate Judge of all things

    Seek opportunities to serve God daily to offer a true sacrifice of thanksgiving.








  Monday:  God the Creator. Genesis 1:1-2,31

                   Tuesday: The Glory of God Displayed. Exodus 24:16-18

                                         Wednesday: God's Praised for His Greatness. 1 Chronicles 29:11-13

                                                      Thursday: God's Sovereignty and Transcendence Proclaimed. Acts 17:24-28

                                              Friday: God's Unsearchable Wisdom and Knowledge. Romans 11:33-36

                             Saturday: The Grandeur of God's Throne Revelation 4:1-6

Gospel Publishing House. 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65802 Volume 105 Number 4. Jun. Jul.  Aug. 2024